Thursday, July 30, 2009

End of the Summer Blues!

Well, I've been tied up setting up shop at Goshen Elementary and have neglected one of the loves of my life. Writing! To me, writing is therapy. It helps me organize my thoughts, feelings and circumstantial considerations! WOW...that's a fancy way of saying problem solving. At the beginning of the summer I attended an educational workshop that highlighted the most recent jargon being used to replace old jargon. What I now know is that, educationally speaking, we are helping our students to become "solution seekers" instead of problem solvers. It seems that using the word "problem" puts a negative spin on things and therefore being a public institution that strives for "political correctness," problem solving has become unacceptable. Honestly, I do like considering options when seeking solutions and don't we all want to find the best solutions that meet our needs and those of the community we're involved in whether it be in our family, classroom, neighborhood, etc. When I find better ways to communicate ideas, feelings, and desires my goals and core beliefs are more likely to be met and understood or at least heard. It's a process of recognizing that sometimes the same ole' is not always the best ole' solution to managing our physical, emotional, and mental well being.

Knowing my Creator as a Father who is crazy about me and all of His creation, I have again awakened even more to the understanding that I am his workmanship and it is a process that is never stagnate but perpetually in motion...Glory be to God for all his blessings. My daughter in love, Erin, shared with me this great song that sums it up and expresses the way I have felt this summer as many changes have taken place over the year. Hope you enjoy it and can relate too. As the end of our Summer is quickly approaching, I'm blue...but blessed because it has been filled with growth and what more could I ask for.

Have a great day!

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