Friday, July 31, 2009

How much longer?

Can you tell I'm going somewhere? Yeah...I'm heading south the only place to go in the summer to visit Lee and Erin. Mallory will be the designated driver as we leave tomorrow and travel towards Atlanta to embrace her oldest brother and sister in love. I love Atlanta! Today is packing and preparing for the trip. Should I bring my golf clubs?

We're pumped to cheer on our other sister and daughter in love, Ashley, who by the way is participating in a mini ironman tomorrow! It certainly doesn't sound mini to me! I wouldn't call it that. Torture is torture no matter how mini and anything as grueling as an ironman has to be torture, right? Not apparently to those who stay in shape and workout on a "regular" basis. That's my problem, working out on a "regular" basis, now that's a different story. Anyway, I'm so inspired again by the youth that surround me because they take to heart the heart of the matter and that is taking care of their physical bodies which I might add...adds to their mental and spiritual stability. It all goes together and that is why with the help of my accountability partner who says he is going to buy us some bikes one day soon, I'll be on the road to becoming more "fit" while having fun too. I just have flashbacks to the time when my dear sweet partner caused me to crash in the middle of Royal Palm Blvd. in Ft. Myers, Florida stopping traffic for what seemed to be eternity before helping me up laughing all the while and saying, "You didn't learn how to ride a bike very well!" No, I didn't learn how to protect myself from someone intentionally trying to wreck me! Needless to say, I've thought about the bike thing and think it would be fun! Maybe you'll see us someday riding along with those silly helmets on our heads and our glutes hanging off those teeny tiny seats...Oouch!

Back to traveling...I'm looking forward to getting away and lovin on T-bird and Erin. Tomorrow at this time we'll be on the road! Yippee!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

End of the Summer Blues!

Well, I've been tied up setting up shop at Goshen Elementary and have neglected one of the loves of my life. Writing! To me, writing is therapy. It helps me organize my thoughts, feelings and circumstantial considerations! WOW...that's a fancy way of saying problem solving. At the beginning of the summer I attended an educational workshop that highlighted the most recent jargon being used to replace old jargon. What I now know is that, educationally speaking, we are helping our students to become "solution seekers" instead of problem solvers. It seems that using the word "problem" puts a negative spin on things and therefore being a public institution that strives for "political correctness," problem solving has become unacceptable. Honestly, I do like considering options when seeking solutions and don't we all want to find the best solutions that meet our needs and those of the community we're involved in whether it be in our family, classroom, neighborhood, etc. When I find better ways to communicate ideas, feelings, and desires my goals and core beliefs are more likely to be met and understood or at least heard. It's a process of recognizing that sometimes the same ole' is not always the best ole' solution to managing our physical, emotional, and mental well being.

Knowing my Creator as a Father who is crazy about me and all of His creation, I have again awakened even more to the understanding that I am his workmanship and it is a process that is never stagnate but perpetually in motion...Glory be to God for all his blessings. My daughter in love, Erin, shared with me this great song that sums it up and expresses the way I have felt this summer as many changes have taken place over the year. Hope you enjoy it and can relate too. As the end of our Summer is quickly approaching, I'm blue...but blessed because it has been filled with growth and what more could I ask for.

Have a great day!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Frenzy

There's no need to get yourself in a frenzy but when you end up learning of a deadline the day of a deadline...well it's hard not to. HA!

What a great week and it was highlighted with a terrific lunch and shopping excursion with my dear ole Aunty Glady. Her name embraces the way it feels to be in her presence while experiencing life through her lens. She is my mother's oldest sister who grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania and a wise one at that! We ate in my home and then launched her new Toyota down Hwy. 146 to LaGrange to shop and escape from reality together for a few hours. She wanted to head down Jericho Road and see the old farm where so many fond memories occurred. We had fun talking about "back in the day" times there. She was shocked to see how horrible it looked. Certainly no love of the place is there now and the ability to upkeep has diminished. Oh, well...I'm just glad mom and dad are so happy at the lake and not having the pressure of production farming requires.

I'm adding a link for school that tells about me and my educational pursuits. Hope this helps my Goshen Family get to know me better.

Before I leave...I leave you with this...

Psalms 37:8 Do not fret~it leads only to evil. AMEN! Friday frenzy no more!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday Spaghetti

What a fabulous Sunday at Church this morning. Max Lacado spoke to us about fear in regard to the freedom we have in Christ from it. I especially loved his analogy of when he was a small boy holding on to his daddy's shirt while they walked across the living room floor past the "Wolfman" behind the T.V. to get a middle of the night drink. He said he would look up at his dad and say, "Wow, who is this man that isn't afraid of "Wolfman!" It reminded me of how much I looked up to my daddy to save me from the fears on the farm and how brave I was when I knew he was around.

Hope you enjoyed your Sunday morning and recovered from the 4th of July! Happy Birthday America...there is not other place I'd rather be for sure. Congrats to Lee and Erin for running the Peachtree and not collapsing before the finish line. I'm so proud of them.