Monday, June 29, 2009

Thoughts for Monday

It's Monday... our works are in progress and I'm beginning it with prayer. Has anyone heard of Jennifer Rothschild? She is an author that specializes in helping others grow spiritually in Jesus Christ. She wrote Self Talk, Soul Talk; Walking By Faith and Lessons I learned in the Dark which was forwarded by Beth Moore. She realized at the young age of 15 that she was loosing her eyesight to a rare and degenerative eye disease. Her dreams of becoming a commercial artist and cartoonist were lost but God replaced them through the power of Christ with words and music. Her voice is tremendous both in her songs she sings and through her writing. I've gleaned so much from getting to know her as a person who loves Jesus and therefore loves people. Sometimes I have trouble keeping my thought closet clear of unvaluable thoughts so that's why I start the day with positive talk from God's word. It's great to hear from God and others how much he is in love with me. I praise him for friends and family who love Him and are willing to share.
Phil. 4:8 Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable~think about such things.

Another reason why I'm starting my day in prayer is because I'm starting a webpage for students and parents who are going to be part of Mrs. Hamilton's class. I prayer that this webpage will serve the purpose of providing clear communication, abundant resources, and opportunities for cooperation, comraderie and inspiration. I hope this is ever present on our site and in my classroom. Yes! Did I say an inspirational learning environment? That's where I would want to learn and be. How about you? Any suggestions just add a comment and inspire me to inspire others.

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